Top 10 FAQs

Find out what it's like.

We're thrilled to have worked with so many great brands and partners at Monoline. We love helping passionate people craft and tell their up-and-coming stories.We know that joining forces with a new agency can feel intimidating. If you haven’t worked with us (or any agency) before, there are a lot of unknowns.We want all of our current and future partners to feel comfortable and safe in our partnership. So, to make sure that happens, we've put together a list of answers to the most common questions our clients ask.

Whether you’re interested in working with us or just wondering how we do what we do, here’s a little insight into our work.

What type of services do you provide?

Whether you need a partner to oversee your rebrand or someone to design a fresh website, we provide a full range of services. Of course, we know every brand’s needs are unique, so if you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for in the list below, let’s talk about what you’re looking for. But in general, we focus on the following areas, usually in a sequential process.

Brand strategy
We help you align your business and brand with a robust brand strategy that reveals your true essence, gives you the tools to communicate your story, and helps you create a consistent brand experience that turns people into lifelong customers.

Content design
If you want to amplify your marketing ambitions, let us craft a custom content strategy to help you find your strongest stories, reach the right people, measure your success, and do it all as efficiently as possible.

Growth process
We help you plan and build your marketing capabilities by putting the right processes and components in place to operationalize your funnels. We stitch everything together to enable a systematic, scalable, and complete marketing cycle for your business, giving you active control and visibility over your own business.

Do you have experience in my industry?

Although Monoline is a relatively young agency, our core team members are definitely not newbies in the business. Our range of experience backs us up well and would allow us to say, most likely. We’d be happy to share with you our past successes. Just ask.

Do you have bandwidth to take on my account?

We get this quite often and the answer is, you guessed it... it depends. The way we streamline our team structure and processes allows us to stay agile without trading off capacity. That said, if we can’t do it, we’ll be honest about it.

Caveat: We care a lot about our partners, and we’ll do whatever we can to help them create awesome brand experience. But we also don’t think every brand is a fit for us. Even if we have the availability, we won’t take on brands whose values don’t align with ours.

How can we ensure our engagement goes smoothly?

We think the best work comes from a great collaboration, so there are a few things you can do to help the process.

Respect a brief
We start with an engagement brief that helps us understand who you are, what you’re trying to achieve, and how we can help you get there. This document is crucial to keep everyone on the same page and keep the project on track throughout the process.

Communicate early and often
We find that’s the best way to identify and resolve issues before they become real issues. It’s also helpful to let us know your preferred modes of communication.

Include key stakeholders from the beginning
Nothing derails a project like someone throwing in critical feedback once we’re practically wrapped. All stakeholders should approve the work at every deliverable stage so no surprises throw a wrench in the process later on.

Consolidate feedback
Designate one point person to consolidate and collate feedback from all of those important stakeholders.

What are your minimums?

There are two different ways we work with clients.

Project based
This is where all our partnerships with clients start. For new client, we have minimum level of engagement of US$6,500.

Account based
After a couple of happy, successful projects, we’ll be happy to discuss a longer term, retainer-based relationships with loyal clients. It’ll be a minimum annual engagement of US$55,000.

What does Monoline’s creative process look like?

We view our creative engagements as collaborative experiences, and thus we’ve simplified and refined our process over the years to ensure the end result is something everyone is happy with.

Depending on the type of work we’re collaborating on, some elements differ slightly, but our process generally looks something like this for a typical engagement:

Discovery phase
Most of our  engagements often start with a discovery period of 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, we integrate into your world to familiarize ourselves with your brand visuals, your brand voice, your goals, and your competitors. This ensures we fully understand the creative sandbox we’ll be playing in.

Strategy phase
Whether it’s a brand strategy, content strategy, campaign concept, or growth strategy, our strategists propose solutions to the creative problems you need solved. Throughout this time, we have various check-ins to ensure the team is providing strategic recommendations that align with your project objective.

Design & development phase
With strategy locked down, we begin design and development work. Our strategists collaborate with our various creative service teams, including copy, design, video, and digital, to develop the content that will support your goals and initiatives.

Application & deployment phase
Ideally, our team will help you with application to ensure a seamless execution and translation of the core design to the relevant touchpoints. If clients decide to handle the application process, we take a backstage role to provide guidance and help oversee the execution.

At the end of the project, we reflect on what went well, what could be improved in subsequent projects and campaigns, and how we want to keep iterating to get you the best results. Ideally, we repeat this process over a period of months or quarters to nurture the partnership we’ve established.

How long do projects take?

Again, it depends on the project, timeline, client involvement, review and amend rounds, etc. The more complicated a project (e.g., a rebrand + campaign), the more people and resources we need to coordinate. We pride ourselves on delivering quality work, so we don’t overcommit or cut corners. In general, our turnaround time for some of the most popular services is:

Audit & research: 2-4 weeks
Strategy work: 2-6 weeks
Identity System Design: 6-12 weeks
Website Design: 8-16 weeks
Campaign Video: 6-12 weeks
Presentation Design: 2-4 weeks
Social Media Strategy: 2-6 weeks

One important factor in the timeframe is the feedback and approval process, which often has a knock-on effect on the overall lead time. We expect to work with clients to facilitate a smooth and frictionless process.

How quickly can you start?

We take project management very seriously. In fact, it is what enables us to deliver on our promises. We typically allow 2 working weeks for project planning and making arrangements before starting the work.

Who will I be working with at Monoline?

You will mostly work with a dedicated account lead and a mix of members from the core creative services team. Behind every project and account, there will be strategists advising the development of the work we do. A typical project team structure is:

Account Lead
Our Account Leads are the primary caretakers of our client relationships, ensuring engagements are running smoothly and all parties are satisfied.

They are part project manager, part creative. They keep the team on track, facilitate productions, contribute to creative thinking, and most importantly they stitch things to a perfect coherence.

Art Director
Our AD oversees the creative execution, ensuring everything is of quality and on-brand.

Most of the work we do starts with them. They sit with the core team even when the work has progressed to full-on design and development. They advise through the lens of branding, content, and marketing, the backbone of everything we are good at.

This includes expert writers who will execute creative content for all the relevant touchpoints.

As the visual brains, designers lend their expertise in visual communication to make sure the idea is strong and executed effectively.

External Partner(s)
We are good at what we do because we are hyper-focused on both our expertise and resources. With some expanded projects, we work with our trusted partners across and beyond the region, including digital product development, media, and on-the-ground production crew, etc.

Our core team is distributed but we keep things going even if we’re working across timezones.

Will my team change as time goes on?

Your core team (account lead, strategist, and art director) will stay constant, while other team members may rotate in, depending on the particular work needed.

The Crew