How about a chat?
How long have these problems been sitting in your mind?
Irrelevant comparison
You are unique and hate being compared to irrelevant options that are not even as good. But the truth is, your customers don't understand this. They go for other options and think they made a good deal, without realizing the compromise they are actually making.
You're throwing your budget in all directions
You are committed. Great! You see results. Awesome! Until it gets out of hand, to the point where you are unsure whether your efforts have gone into your own business, or someone else’s.
Things are getting clunky and messy
You have grown well in the past, and complexities have been part of the package. Now you have reached the point where all the challenges are too complicated and interconnected to be solved with one simple solution or initiative.
Who is this for?
Your business are trying to make a pivot, and you need your team to be on the same page about how your brand should be perceived.
You are overseeing all the business-critical channels that are probably not connected and not leveraging each other, making it hard to see any meaningful business impact.
You want to get better work out of your writers and internal contributors in a way that makes creating valuable content easier and more enjoyable for them.
You have reached the point where you need to formalize and scale your business, and you want to figure out how to set up your very first marketing operation.
During this call
You'll discover the following to help you better design and operationalize your company's process for long-term, systematic growth: